Directions: Read carefully.
1. |
Is this an example of a dilation?
2. |
Under the dilation shown at the left, the value of the "?" is:
3. |
Under dilations, the picture shown at the left has been reduced in size. The scalar factor is:
4. |
The length of the small car is 4 inches. Under a dilation of scale factor of 2 the length of the larger car is:
5. |
The large design shown at the left is 6 feet wide. After a dilation, the design is 2.4 feet wide. The scalar factor for this dilation is:
6. |
ΔA'B'C' is the image of ΔABC under a dilation centered at O of ratio 1/2. Which of the following relationships is true?
7. |
Which of the following properties is NOT preserved during a dilation?
8. |
The diagram at the left shows a dilation of scale factor of ½. Which segment is parallel to ?
9. |
Which of the following statements is NOT true?
10. |
Under the dilation shown at the left, what is the value of AB ?

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