Directions: Read carefully and choose the best answer.
1. |
An iceberg, as shown, often has more of its mass below the water line. Only 80 feet of the iceberg shown at the right is above the water line.
the bottom of the iceberg has an elevation of -300 feet, which of the following statements describes the elevation of the water line and the elevation of the top of the iceberg?
2. |
The coordinates of point A are (3, 2½) and the coordinates of point B are (-3, -2½). Which coordinate plane below shows the correct locations of points A and B?
3. |
A segment is drawn connecting point A(-2,6) to point B(8,6). What is the length of this segment?
4. |
Point R is the opposite of  and point S is the opposite of  .
Which of the number lines shown below correctly shows points R and S?
5. |
The following values are plotted on a horizontal number line.
Which of the following statements is true regarding the locations of these values on the number line?
6. |
On a morning in December in New York State, the outside temperature was 2º F. In the next six hours, the temperature dropped an additional 15º. What was the temperature at the end of the six hours?
7. |
Point X and point Y are located on a number line. Point X is located at -9 and point Y is 4 less than point X. Which of the following statements is true regarding point Y?
8. |
Assuming points A, B, C and D lie on the intersection points of the graph grid lines, as shown at the right, what is the perimeter of the rectangle ABCD?
9. |
Three numerical values, labeled r, s, and t, are located on a number line. The following is true about these values:
r = -7
s = -r
t = -t
Which number line is correctly labeled?
10. |
In the graph at the right,
has vertices
A(7,-1), B(6,-5), and C(1,-3).
Find the area, in square units,
of ΔABC.

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