Directions: The following questions deal with percent of error or percent of change. Read carefully and choose the best answer. Rounding may have occurred in the answers.
Simon guessed the number of jelly beans in a dish to be 145. There were 205 jelly beans in the dish. What was Simon's percent of error?
2. |
Cole miscounted the number of kittens in the shelter to be 21, when there were actually 24 kittens. What was Cole's percent of error?
3. |
Skylar thought her snowboard measured 152 inches in length, when it actually measured 144 inches. What was Skylar's percent of error?
4. |
An object has a mass of 36 grams. On the school balance, it weighs 34.8 grams. What is the percent of error on the school's balance?
5. |
Anna earned $24 dog walking last week. This week she earned $32 dog walking. What was the percent of change between her earnings last week and those this week?
6. |
The weatherman predicted that the temperature would reach a high of 64º on Monday. The actual high temperature for Monday was 55º. What was the weatherman's percent of error?
7. |
Harley expected her snowmobile club membership fee would be $25. The snowmobile club membership fee was $22. What was Harley's percent of error regarding the fee?
8. |
Tucker bought a bicycle for $75. Several years later, he sold the bicycle for $45. What was the percent of change in the price of the bicycle?
9. |
A bowling ball costs $149.99. Alex thought the bowling ball's cost was $119.99. What the percent of error in the cost?
10. |
As a class experiment, students try to determine how far they can count by twos in 5 seconds. Scott estimates that he can count to 50 in that amount of time. Actually, Scott only counted to 28. What was Scott's percent of error in his prediction? |

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