Directions: The following questions pertain to time. Read carefully and choose the best answer.
A casserole needs to bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes and is placed in the oven at 2:35 in the afternoon.
a) The casserole bakes for 58 minutes. How many more minutes does it need to bake?
b) At what time will the casserole come out of the oven?
2. |
Jamal is following a bike trail to a nearby town 24 miles away. How long, in minutes, will it take for Jamal to cover 24 miles at a rate of 8 miles per hour?
3. |
A student can type 1,125 words in 30 minutes. At this rate, how many words can the student type in 50 minutes?
4. |
Andrew can skateboard down a hill three times faster than he can walk back up the same hill. He can walk up the hill and skateboard down in a total of 6 minutes.
a) At this rate, how many times, in an hour, can he make a round trip up and down the hill?
b) At this rate, how many minutes does it take him to walk up the hill?
5. |
Find the sum shown at the right. |
6. |
It will take Hester 2 hours and 45 minutes to read a paperback novel. If she starts reading at 2.35 PM and continues reading until she has completed the book, at what time will she be finished?
7. |
Find the difference shown at the right. |
8. |
On Saturday, Kylie went to her friend Alison's home. The girls spent 1 hour gossiping, then 1 hour and 15 minutes looking at magazines, and finally 45 minutes eating before Kylie returned home at 2:20 PM. At what time did Kylie arrive at Alison's house?
9. |
Find the difference shown at the right. |
10. |
Find the sum of 2 hrs +
5 hrs + 25 min + 42 min |

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