Directions: Choose the best answer for each problem.
1. |
A car is traveling at 65 miles per hour. Which choice is an independent variable in this situation?
2. |
Jason spends 2 hours studying for a final test. Which choice is a dependent variable in this situation?
3. |
Shelly makes ½ cup servings of chocolate pudding for dessert. The number of servings is determined by the amount of milk in the refrigerator. Which choice is an independent variable in this situation?
4. |
Souvenir golf balls are displayed in a case that can hold 2 dozen balls. Which choice is a dependent variable in this situation?
5. |
Water is being pumped into a large cylindrical tank as shown in the graph. Which axis is the independent variable in this situation? |
6. |
An on-line music service charges $35 per month plus a $2 additional fee for each song downloaded. What is the dependent variable in this situation? |
7. |
The cost for the part to repair Ed's computer was $350, plus $20 per hour for labor. The equation C = 20h + 350, where C = total cost, and h = number of labor hours, represents this situation. What is the independent variable? |
8. |
A motorbike can hold 5 gallons of gasoline. The relationship between the number of gallons of gas in the tank and the number of miles that can be driven is shown in the table at the right. What is the dependent variable in this situation? |
9. |
Given the equation of a line: y = 2x + 4. What is the independent variable in this situation?
10. |
The score on a ten question quiz is computed by multiplying the number of correct answers times ten. What is the dependent variable in this situation?

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