Directions: Answer these questions pertaining to common factors and factoring. Read carefully!
1. |
Which choice is not a common factor of
8x2 and 32x ?
2. |
Factor completely: 12x + 48
3. |
Factor completely: 10x3 - 15x2
4. |
Factor completely: -12y2 + 72y
5. |
Factor completely: y4 + y2
6. |
Factor completely: (x + 2)(x + 1) + (x + 2)(x + 4)
7. |
If 3a is one factor of 3a2 - 12a, what is the other factor?
8. |
Which choice is not equivalent to: 36m2 - 24m
9. |
Factor completely: (2x - 1)(x - 1) - (x + 2)(2x - 1)
10. |
If the area of a rectangular picture frame is represented by 9m2 + 15m, and the width is represented by 3m, which choice represents the length?

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