Directions: Answer these questions pertaining to the graphs of polynomial functions. Choose the best answer. The cartoon "comments" may, or may not, be helpful!
1. |
Given: P(x) = x2 + 2x - 24
At what x-values will the graph cross the x-axis? |
2. |
A polynomial function is defined to be
f (x) = (x + 3)(x - 2)2.
Which choice describes the graph's behavior at the x-axis? |
3. |
Given: the graph at the right.
Which choice lists possible "factors" of this polynomial function?
4. |
Given: the graph at the right.
Which polynomial function may represent this graph?
5. |
Given: the graph at the right.
Which choice lists possible "roots" of this polynomial function?
6. |
Given: P( x) = x3 + 6 x2 + 8 x
Which choice shows the roots of this polynomial function? |
7. |
Given: P(x) = x2 - 2x - 48
Which choice shows the x-intercepts of this polynomial function?
8. |
Given: P(x) = x2 - 6x + 9
Which choice states the number of x-intercepts of this polynomial function?
Based upon the sketch at the right, which expression may have been used to create P(x)?
By examining the roots of the graph at the right, write a possible equation, P(x), that could produce this graph. |

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