Directions: Answer these questions pertaining to algebraic expressions. Check each answer when finished.
1. |
Which value in the expression 8x - 12 is referred to as a coefficient? |
2. |
How many terms are contained in the expression:
3x2 + 6x - 15 ? |
3. |
Which term in the expression 3x + 2xy + 4 is referred to as a constant? |
4. |
When translated into symbols, "five times, a number decreased by three" is which choice? |
5. |
Which algebraic expression represents 12 less than x multiplied by 8 ? |
6. |
The width, w, of a rectangular patio is 5 less than its length, l. Which expression represents the perimeter of the patio, in terms of l ? |
7. |
Darcy knows that her father' s age is 2 more than three times her age. If x represents Darcy's age, which expression represents her father's age? |
8. |
If 2n + 1 represents an odd integer, which choice represents the next larger odd integer? |
9. |
A baseball team played n games, losing three of them and winning the rest. Which choice represents the ratio of the games won to the games lost? |
10. |
During a picnic, Jamal uses two pitchers to bring soda to the picnickers. The larger pitcher holds x quarts of soda and the smaller pitcher holds y quarts of soda. The larger pitcher is refilled a times and the smaller pitcher is refilled b times during the picnic. |
Find which expression represents which statement.
a. The sum of the number of quarts of soda held by the two pitchers.
b. The number of times the pitchers were refilled.
c. The total number of quarts of soda used for the picnic.
d. The number of pints of soda held by the two pitchers.

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